Legals services

Labour and immigration law

You can rely on us when drafting employment law documents, expert opinions, representation before courts and administrative authorities, or partial consultations to resolve urgent situations.


Our expertise includes:

  • general advice on rights and obligations under the Employment of Foreigners Act and the Employment Act
  • agency employment
  • collective agreements, negotiations and communication with trade unions
  • corporate restructuring and insolvency
  • preparation of documents and representation in proceedings concerning applications for residence permits or employment permits (including applications for extensions)
  • legal assistance and representation of the employer in negotiations with state administration authorities in connection with the employment of foreigners (reporting vacancies, negotiating postings with the Labour Office, representation in inspections of compliance with obligations by state administration authorities)
  • transfer of employees to the Czech Republic or within the EU and intra-corporate transfers
  • representation in proceedings with the authorities of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic and the Foreign Police
  • preparation of management, employment and other contracts
  • preparation of work rules and other internal regulations
  • remuneration of employees
  • ensuring and applying the principle of equal opportunities
  • discrimination
  • dismissal of employees, including negotiation and prevention of litigation
  • labour disputes with employees/managers
  • assessment of tax and social security law obligations of foreigners

JUDr. David Strapáč, LL.M, lawyer, ID: 07380160

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