Legal services

Company law

(corporate law/mergers/acquisitions)

We are your fixed point in the uncertain waters of business!


In the unpredictable world of business, you need a trusted partner who fully understands your business and the challenges that arise in connection with your business in the Czech Republic or abroad. We pay attention to the details that are most important for your business, but we can also set up legal relationships with regard to your company's long-term strategy.

We offer comprehensive legal advice in the area of:

  • setting up new companies
  • registering companies within the commercial register and obtaining business licenses
  • holding general meetings and meetings of other corporate bodies
  • increasing and decreasing share capital
  • planning and implementing transformation of trading companies, restructurings or liquidations of companies
  • preparation and negotiation of joint ventures, acquisitions / equity entries into start-ups
  • drafting agreements between shareholders (including option arrangements)
  • corporate governance
  • drafting share and option schemes
  • structuring legal relationships between persons within the group
  • conducting legal due diligence in all areas of law, including solutions to audit findings and estimating risks to the transaction itself
  • drafting notification letters regarding representations and warranties contained in transaction documentation

JUDr. David Strapáč, LL.M, lawyer, ID: 07380160

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